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The first digital inclusion program to fight the increase in precarity and unemployment

Press release of November 16, 2020


The Ile de France region, in partnership with Pôle Emploi, is launching the C-TAB® digital tablet, the first digital inclusion program developed by the company T4H – Technology for Humanity, intended for 10,000 job seekers in the Paris region at first, in the current context of social distancing linked to the pandemic.

The C-TAB®, given as a free of charge loan to each jobseeker who is eligible for training, increases their chances of returning to work, through the access in just a few clicks, to adapted and pre-installed content as well as to key services developed by Pôle Emploi.

C-TAB® makes it possible to reduce the digital divide which these job seekers are often the victims of, by equipping them with a very good quality tablet, thus allowing them to benefit from a good level of connectivity during their training programme.


For T4H – Technology For Humanity, C-TAB® is the first step in a broad nationwide rollout plan to tackle unemployment.

Christian MASSOJI, CEO of T4H Mobile, a subsidiary of the T4H – Technology for Humanity Group, indicates that the group will launch a major innovation within a few weeks: the first citizen smartphone intended for vulnerable populations, with a first focus on job seekers.

Regarding this citizen smartphone, called C-PHONE®, Christian MASSOJI specifies that the T4H group, jointly founded and chaired by Alain DOLIUM and Hachim BADJI, is working on an international launch for several target countries, including 2 exclusive markets that are France and Senegal, with a priority development axis in Europe and Africa.


Tuesday November 16, 2020, T4H’s C-TAB® digital program is officially launched at the Argenteuil Pôle Emploi agency by Valérie PÉCRESSE, President of the Ile de France Region, with the presence of Jean BASSÈRE, Managing Director of Pôle Emploi.


To view the C-TAB® presentation video, please click on the link below



To learn more about C-TAB®, visit
